Unpacking Techbro Culture: Identifying and Addressing Its Impact on Society

This article delves into the controversial and often criticized term "techbro" and its impact on society. It explores the characteristics of techbros and offers a guide to identifying them. The article discusses how the term has emerged and evolved over time and

TechBros in Society: Identifying the Stereotype

In recent years, the term "techbro" has become increasingly popular. It refers to young men who work in the tech industry and exhibit certain behaviors and attitudes. The stereotype can be harmful and exclusionary, but it is important to understand and identify so we can challenge it.

What is a TechBro?

Generally speaking, a techbro is a young, privileged man who works in the tech industry. He often comes from a wealthy or middle-class background and has received a high-quality education, usually in computer science or a related field.

In terms of behavior and attitude, techbros tend to be arrogant, entitled, and dismissive of those who do not work in tech. They may be obsessed with the latest gadgets and trends, and frequently flaunt their wealth and status.

Why is the TechBro Stereotype Harmful?

The techbro stereotype is harmful for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is exclusionary. It implies that only a certain type of person can succeed in the tech industry, and that anyone who does not fit the stereotype is not welcome. This creates a culture of elitism and ignores the diversity of people who are interested in technology.

Secondly, the techbro stereotype perpetuates harmful gender and racial biases. Most techbros are young white men, and the stereotype suggests that women and people of color are not cut out for the tech industry. This discourages diversity and creates a hostile environment for those who do not fit the stereotype.

How to Identify a TechBro

If you want to identify a techbro in the wild, there are some telltale signs to look out for. These include:

  • Wearing a hoodie and designer sneakers to work
  • Constantly checking their phone or laptop for notifications
  • Using jargon and technical terms unnecessarily
  • Bringing up their salary or stock options in conversation
  • Being dismissive of people who do not work in tech

It's important to note that not all young men in tech are techbros, and that the stereotype is a harmful generalization. However, by being aware of the signs of techbro behavior and attitude, we can challenge these harmful tendencies in ourselves and in others.


The techbro stereotype is a harmful and exclusionary one, but it is prevalent in the tech industry and society as a whole. By understanding and identifying the behavior and attitude of techbros, we can work to combat this harmful stereotype and create a more welcoming and diverse tech culture.

Tech Bro

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